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Ridding my negativity

This past December, I deleted my Twitter. Why? I'm an 18 year old in the 21st century. This is the Twitter generation.

Well, the only thing that I saw was negativity, with the occasional "ice cream date with ___" or "yay I got a good grade!" But besides that, I just saw posts like "This girl in front of me in my Chem 101 class won't shut up. I hate her. I want to leave." or "Why would anyone think it's okay to talk to my boyfriend? I will hunt you down."

Dramatic, ridiculously self-centered, rude things.

It sucked me in and I started posting negative things. I started viewing my life as each experience an opportunity to tweet about. I'd post things I hate. And types of people who annoy me. And that's not okay with me.

It's true what they say. Whatever you surround yourself with, you'll eventually become that.

Isn't that scary?

So I deleted my Twitter. I was tired of reading things I actually didn't care about.

What has this done for me?

I feel free. It's as if I'd been carrying a boulder on my shoulders and I threw it off a cliff!

I encourage you to free yourself from whatever negativity is in your life! Be it people, friends on Facebook (unfollowing is a gift from God), or even your own mind! There are ways to fix negativity and it's worth the struggle!

Disclaimer: Twitter isn't all bad. I actually met Nathan through it! And one of my closest friends from the U of A! Social media is so cool! If you use it the right way, you can build community and friendships with people you would have never met otherwise! (Some people would think this is not wise and I'm probably friends with a pedophile. I disagree. Join the Instagram community! So freakin' cool! More on that later)

Stay positive! :)

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