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The Galatians 6 Relationship

Relationships on social media. Oh, the cuteness. It's almost too perfect, right?

You're right. It IS too perfect. Because those posts are their highlights.

I'll be honest. In my relationship, there are a lot of lows. Of course, the highs overpower the lows, but there are a LOT of things that are constantly being worked through.

I'm emotional. He doesn't always listen. I occasionally manipulate. He doesn't speak up when there's an issue on his mind. I overthink. He worries too much.

It's never going to be perfect, even when it sometimes feels like it is.

It's important to remember why you're together. Do the highs overpower the lows? Is it worth working through? Are y'all a team or do you beat each other down?

Think of it like this:

You know when someone has a hurt leg and another person helps them walk? Well you and your significant other are like that, except both of you have hurt legs. You're walking together, arm in arm, limping along toward your goals. Your hurt legs are your sins. You're sharing the burden of them and are helping each other overcome them. You're going to trip and pull them down with you, but they can help pull you back up. By the grace of God, they'll help you up. Sometimes you'll both be down for a long time and not a lot helps to pull you back up. But you'll find what helps and you'll keep going towards your goals.

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It will never be easy, but it should always be worth it.

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